Rivers, Ponds, Lakes and Canals
Water, water everywhere, this topic reflects the weather conditions in the country today, plenty of scope to let your imagination run free... The Judge has chosen this topic to include only freshwater water courses or body of water, inspired by a nature programme. If you have any water-dwelling life in your picture, so much the better.
No. 1
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No. 9
No. 10
NOT FAIR!!! I'm in the middle of a drought, if I get caught photographing water i'll be arrested for wasting it!
Just to clarify, is this competition limited to rivers, ponds, lakes & canals? e.g. puddles or water in a sink can't be included.
I guess water could include places where water would have been expected to be but for reasons of temporary climate conditions is not there now, but I think it should exclude puddles or household recepticals. The judge might need to adjudicate on theses!
what about the sea?
The topic is limited to Inland Waterways and what might be classed as permanent bodies of water (but could as John suggests be a dried up water source). The water in them should be fresh water, so excludes the sea, and I suppose, estuaries or tidal parts of rivers. And definitely no sinks or vases!
I could start to get pedantic and go on about statutory main rivers ad things, but then that would take all the fun away (and oly apply to England & Wales).
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